Tuesday, May 15, 2012



Q&A: Author Nicholas Carr on the Terrifying Future of Computing (2007). Retrieved May 1 2012, from http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/16-01/st_qa
Vernor Vinge, The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era (1993) Retrieved May 12 2012, from http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/vinge/misc/singularity.html

Micah White, Consumer Society Is Made To Break (2008) Retrieved May 13, from

Bill Joy, Why the future doesn't need us (2004) Retrieved May 2 2012, from http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy.html

Amy Wilis, Rich 'may evolve into separate species' (2009) Retrieved April 30 2012, from


1 comment:

  1. Fascinating... I've been thinking about some of the areas you addressed a alot lately. I noticed one of your images is taken from the movie 'They Live'(I just recently watched the movie) As terrible as some of the acting and action scenes may be, the overall message and underlying theme carries with it great significance. Technology.... the double edged sword.
    Your blog was easy to follow, well written and fluent. You can tell you've done a fair amount of research and I commend you for addressing this topic that a lot of people would of had difficulty talking about. I had no idea about the monkey being sent into out of space... insane!
    Kudos to you for a great and well researched blog.
